Frequently Asked Questions

How big are the poster easels for the poster session?

The recommended poster dimensions are 30” x 40”. Other sizes are also fine (e.g., 36” x 48”, 44” x 44, 33” x 47”, etc).

How do I connect to Wifi?


TLDR; two options: eduroam or UCSD-GUEST.

Where should I park?

The preferred parking location is in the Scholars Parking area (9655 Scholars Dr N), where A-frame signs will guide you to The Jeannie Auditorium, which is just a short walk away.

Further details on parking passes will be emailed corresponding to how you registered your parking plans.

Parking Info

1. Parking Guidelines

2. Public Transportation and Rideshare Guidelines

3. Walking Directions

Event start and end times?

The full schedule will be available once presenters are accepted.
The event is expected to begin at 8am and finish at 6pm, Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7).

Where can I find dining options at UC San Diego?

While the event offers complimentary lunch and refreshments, you also have the option to explore the diverse dining venues at UC San Diego. From restaurants and cafes to fast food, the campus provides a range of choices to satisfy different culinary preferences. For more information, including locations and hours, visit the https://blink.ucsd.edu/facilities/services/general/personal/dining.html.

Where can I find dinner restaurants near UC San Diego?

Local Dinner Restaurants.pdf

Any preferred local San Diego hotels for guests?

Preferred UCSD Local SD Hotels for guests.pdf